
Up on the Roof: Best Rooftop Bars in Atlanta

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My husband and I on the Glenn Hotel rooftop during the travelgirl anniversary party.
My husband and I on the Glenn Hotel rooftop during the travelgirl anniversary party.

Savoring a glass of wine on a rooftop on a warm, glorious day ranks right up there with lounging in a beachside hammock in my happiness file. I’ve been lucky enough to look down on my scenic hometown twice in the past week from the best rooftop bars

in Atlanta – one brand-new and one just renamed.

Last week I visited Glenn Hotel, right in downtown Atlanta, where Bob Amick of Concentrics is opening a new restaurant. 30 Tables will go in the thus-far-doomed space where BED and Maxim Prime made short-lived efforts to win over dubious concepts in the Atlanta market.

If anyone knows what Atlantans like to eat and what concepts will appeal to them, it’s Bob, so here’s hoping him much success with his new venture. I’m dining there next week – so will report more on the restaurant then.

They have renamed the beautiful Glenn Hotel rooftop 11 Stories. I’ve been up here a few times, most recently for a travelgirl anniversary party, and love the atmosphere up there. Somehow the proximity of office buildings and the CNN Center just heightens the enjoyment – it just feels more decadent when you’re surrounded by people still tied to the office.

A few weeks ago we got a sneak peek at AltoRex Rooftop Lounge on top of Pacci Ristorante in Midtown.

The newly opened AltoRex rooftop lounge, above Pacci Ristorante in Hotel Palomar
The newly opened AltoRex rooftop lounge, above Pacci Ristorante in Hotel Palomar.

My husband and I wandered up there, where the designer was arranging furniture. She explained that it had just been delivered that day so she was putting on the final touches. Beau King, the developer of the hotel, told us that originally there were plans for a pool, but that morphed into this exquisite terrace.

It was not yet open during our visit, but we’re heading to the grand opening of Hotel Palomar Thursday and hope to check it out then.

While we’re on the topic, here are a few of my other favorite rooftops around the world. Do you have a favorite?

Vendue Inn in Charleston, South Carolina

The Penthouse on top of ME Madrid in Spain- Madrid, Spain – ME Madrid

Rooftop pool at EME Fusion Hotel in Seville
Rooftop pool at EME Fusion Hotel in Seville

EME Fusion Hotel in Seville, Spain

Le Printemps Department Store in Paris.
Okay so this one isn’t a lounge, but does have the best free view in Paris.

1 Comment

  1. It’s nothing fancy, but Churchills in Savannah, GA has a nice rooftop to enjoy drinks during the spring/summer/fall.

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