Atlanta Dining

Eclipse di Luna – Old Favorite Still Thrills

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The paella at Eclipse di Luna

Sometimes it takes a nudge to revisit an old friend. Or an old restaurant.

That was the case with us when we visited Eclipse di Luna last week at the invitation of our friend Susan. It was her husband Tom’s birthday and several couples were gathering for a salsa lesson, followed by dinner at one of my old favorites.

We got in the mood with our lesson, where we all progressed as far at making one turn at about half the speed of the music, then found our way to the tucked-way-at-the-end of Miami Circle restaurant.

I’d kinda forgotten about this place, where the food is always good and the atmosphere lively. And as luck would have it, it was Monday night – all you can eat from the Chef’s Selection for $15.

Our friend Tom – who is in the restaurant business and orders liberally from any menu  in the name of “R and D” – kept the dishes coming. Because they are tapas and served on small plates, it is very easy to justify trying some of everything. Which I did. I have to do a little research myself, right?

Just to name a few of the dishes – we had pan catalan, grilled asparagus with Manchego cheese, calamari, fried plaintains with black truffle honey and Spanish style ribs. Oh, and somewhere in there were dishes of delicious potatoes.

Eclipse di Luna has live music just about every night, starting around 7 or 7:30 and every third Saturday is Latin DJ nights, with the music starting up at 11:30 p.m. and lasting until 2:30 a.m.

Go on the first and third Tuesdays from 6-7 and enjoy a wine tasting with complimentary hors d’oeuvres for $10 a person.

Eclipse di Luna is the kind of place that whenever you go, whoever you go with, you have a good time. And it’s the perfect place to take out-of-town guests who want a relaxed, affordable but fun experience.

My husband remarked that the menu never really changes. But isn’t that what we look for sometimes in an old friend?

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