I love collecting frequent flyer miles, almost as coveted as money in the bank. Being based in Atlanta, I tend to rack up miles on Delta more than…
“Did you enjoy that?” the TSA agent said with a slight grin on her face. She had just finished groping me in ways I generally only allow people…
Now I know why Watersheds’ Fried Chicken Night is so popular. Their chicken tastes exactly like what my mom used to make. With no plans for 4th of…
You get a call that your beloved Aunt Louise in Philadelphia has died unexpectedly and the funeral is in three days. It’s too far to drive and in…
I totally could have shaken hands with that hippo. Well, I guess if hippos had hands and weren’t more interested in eating me than making my acquaintance. But…
So I haven’t read the book everyone is reading – yes, that one. But I know enough of the plot that I’m not surprised the Personality Hotels in…
It was with great disbelief that my friends listened to my claim that I would be traveling to Nashville from Atlanta. On a bus. Most people’s experiences, if they…